Google Starts Walking Directions And A Browser: Google Chrome

The blogosphere is all about Google's new browser lately, so it is pretty much impossible to write about anything else.

As you heard Google started their own browser called Google Chrome. Here is briefly what you need to remember:

* Chrome is open source, so if you want to contribute the door is open
* the browser is faster ( each transaction is processed in a separate tab)
* more secure – keeps track of harmful websites with warnings for malware and phishing.
* the engine of the browser is JavaScript Virtual Machine called V8(created in Denmark)
* one-box for searching websites or the Web ( with typing suggestions)

Interested in downloading the browser, click here. For more details read the Pandia Search Engine News post or check the videos.

Another development with Google that we didn’t mention is walking directions in Google Maps.

Starting today, you can tell Google Maps that you want walking directions, and we'll try to find you a route that's direct, flat, and uses pedestrian pathways when we know about them. Just get directions as you normally would

Walking directions are available only for routes that are shorter than 6.2 miles (or 10 kilometers). Get more from Google Lat Long blog.

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